Tuesday 3 January 2012

Big news

Hello peeps,

Hope your all enjoying the new year, I've taken a big step with my home made goodies.... I'm opening an on line shop!!!

Sooo excited about this progression and it has made me a lot more passionate about my crafts :)

It will be up and running soon, just putting the final touches to it as you read this, mainly photographing the stock (wow that's harder than I thought!) Any tips would be absolutely fantastic!!!!

Love Kim xx


  1. Good luck with your shop - it does take ages to get set up properly and the photos are often a nightmare! Good lighting is my tip (from the side often works better than lights straight on as you don't get the glare).

    Looking forward to being able to go and have a look...

    Ali x

  2. Best wishes for 2012 and good luck with your new venture. Craft Blog has some great links and tips for your photographs.


    Jan x

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks guys, gradually getting the hang of it!

    Jan, I will check that out thanks!

    Kim xx


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